on March 06, 2009. © Stani, All rights reserved
you don't understand just what it means
to be in this enforced state of lethargy
with your long necks and big, fat stomachs
filled with the fat of the land.
broken yet un-bowed, never will
spirit-filled, waxing stronger each and everyday
hoping and praying for the hero
there are none, for heroes are simply zeroes.
stiff-necked fools, imbeciles, wasters
talk about there being no jobs, no food to eat
forty million and more unemployed in a single entity
comical yet i cannot laugh, weakened enough as it is.
look around you, can you see, can you understand this?
these times are horrible, yet for these people it has always been like this
hardship, turmoil, oppression, dejection
up in your pedestal you cannot see this.
forty million and more thoughts growing against you each and everyday
not wishing you well, who would?
arch-destroyer, arch-fiend, sinister joker caught up in the play
the macabre all you have ever known, legs raised, cackling with joy at my pain.