The image is titled Beginning and is taken from the wonderful works of Daniel F Gerhartz
The beginning is quite an apt title for this painting, afterall, what better theme to have for Mother's Day? I decided to write an acrostic with this one. If you are reading this right now, why not try it out and write your own little acrostic? Otherwise, just enjoy!
Acrostic for Mother's day
The Beginning
On May 11, 2009 © Stani. All rights reserved
hope rekindled from memories of yester years
all the sacrifices made to nurture me
please remain on the straight path
platitudes, cajoling, gently molding me
yielding no ground, steadfast.
merry, light-hearted, always
over-joyed around you
times swift passage no dampner of sweet recall
humorous, optimistic in times of distress
encouraging me never to give up, remain
relentless in pursuit of happiness
satisfaction guaranteed in perseverance.
delighted you are the one who brought me here
aglow with the blessings bestowed upon me by you
yes, today is all about you, my inspiration.