Here's Rick's Story:

If anyone can help spread this post for me and get this out there in cyberspace, I would be forever grateful. This would be a personal favor to me.
Your birth name was Heather. You were born in the month of December,in Galveston, Texas. You turned 20 years old recently. Your mother's name was Carla. Your birth sister's name was Hillary. You were adopted as a baby, in Galveston, possibly to pawnbrokers.
I have waited many years until I knew you were over the age of 18 to even think about attempting to find you. I have searched for you many times on the internet to try and gather any information, to no avail. I have struggled with this in my mind and heart many times. As your father I have always loved you. At the adoption hearing in Galveston when you were a baby, I was in court and fought to get you, but I didn't have the money for an attorney, and the judge awarded you and your sister to the adopting parents. He sealed the court records. Your mother didn't want to separate the two of you and she put you both up for adoption together.
At the time I was an irresponsible young man. At the adoption hearing the judge looked at me and said "I know that you don't understand this decision right now, but someday you will understand that it was in the best interest of everyone involved". Looking back now, I have to agree with the judge. I would have never been able to raise you and give you the nurturing and upbringing that you deserved. I would have been another deadbeat dad.
If you read this and choose not to contact me, that is ok and I want you to know that I will understand. That will be your choice. If somehow I could just get the satisfaction of knowing that you are still alive, that would do my heart good. If you need to take your time and think about it, that is ok too. I will be here writing my life story, and you may want to read along as I write.
I would love just to know that you are doing ok, and that you were raised in a loving home. You are my only child.
Your middle name of Rose was given to you in honor of my mother. See This Post. She was one of the most wonderful people you could ever want to meet. You carry her legacy with you in your name. That is a true honor.
I love you, Heather, and hope to find out you are doing well.
Your Father,
So there it is guys! Start posting this if you can -- facebook, twitter, blogville etc!!!